Razgrnitev velike fotografije

Vabljeni na razgrnitev velike skupinske fotografije članov Foto kluba Kamnik, ki bo v četrtek, 24. avgusta ob 19:00 na zidu nad kavarno Veronika.


Midjourney generated image with collaged photos all over


V zadnjem času je skozi orodja kot so ChatGPT ali Midjourney umetna inteligenca čez velika vrata vstopila v vsakdan običajnih ljudi. Na eni strani ponuja ogromno možnosti razvoja, na drugi odpira številna vprašanja. Ker smo člani Foto kluba Kamnik radi v trendu s časom, v katerem živimo, predvsem pa, ker se umetna inteligenca vse bolj dotika (in spreminja) tudi področje fotografije, smo zmožnosti, ki jih prinaša sodobna tehnologija preizkusili na nam dobro znani motiviki kamniške Veronike. Skozi kolektivni pristop, ki se nam je že v preteklosti izkazal kot odličen način ustvarjanja, smo se tokrat soočili s praznim platnom velikega formata, ki ga je bilo potrebno napolniti s podobami Kamnika. Katere značilne elemente Kamnika vključiti, katere prepustiti »domišljiji« umetne inteligence, katere pa morda zgolj preurediti, prestaviti ali spremeniti, da bo celota še vedno Kamnik, a hkrati tudi Kamnik, ki v resnici ne obstaja?

Kako nam je uspelo v vse to vkomponirati Veroniko, nekatere znamenite kamniške stavbe, žabo s fugo in druge elemente, bo presodil vsak gledalec sam. Če pa nas vprašate temeljno in edino smiselno vprašanje, ki ga je pač nujno zastaviti vsakemu ustvarjalcu, torej, kaj je umetnik s svojim delom želel povedati, smo v zagati. Verjetno ima vsak član svoj pogled na sestavljeno celoto, morda si kdo to vprašanje postavlja tudi sam, verjetno je med sodelujočimi tudi kakšen, ki si nanj ne zna odgovoriti, ali pa se mu zdi povsem nesmiselno. Ker si torej sami težko pomagamo, smo za pomoč prosili umetno inteligenco. Takšen odgovor je namesto nas pripravil ChatGPT: »Svojo umetniško izraznost smo prepletli z nečim hecnim, neumno humornim in obenem premišljenim. Želeli smo prikazati našo energijo in ustvarjalni duh ter obenem izzvati smeh in razmislek.« Morda res.

Kljub temu, da nam je danes na voljo tehnologija, ki nam omogoča pravzaprav vse, kar si zamislimo, smo torej prišli tudi do nečesa hecnega in neumno humornega. Morda je prav to tisto, česar umetna inteligenca ne zna. Saj nekaj, kar je inteligentno, pač ne dela neumnih stvari, za razliko od človeka, ki je nasprotje umetne inteligence, torej naravna neumnost. <3

A najbolj važno je, da smo se ob tem zabavali, oz. kot pravi ChatGPT: »Vendar pa je to, kar nas najbolj navdihuje, skupinsko sodelovanje. Naša skupina, naša strast in naše zanimanje so tisto, kar naredi to razstavo resnično zanimivo. Kljub tehnološkim čudesom, ki nas obdajajo, smo se zavedali, da je duh skupine tisti, ki daje našim delom pravo globino.« <3


Recently, through tools such as ChatGPT and Midjourney, artificial intelligence has entered through the prominent doors of our everyday lives. On one hand, it offers vast possibilities for development; on the other, it raises numerous questions. As members of the Foto klub Kamnik, we strive to stay in step with the times we live in. Notably, artificial intelligence is increasingly making its mark on the field of photography. We tested the capabilities of modern technology using the well-known subject of Veronika from Kamnik.

Through a collaborative approach, which has proven to be an excellent method in the past, we found ourselves facing an empty large-format canvas that awaited infusion with Kamnik’s imagery. The task involved deliberating which characteristic elements of Kamnik should be included, which ones could be entrusted to the “imagination” of artificial intelligence, and which elements could be rearranged, shifted, or altered, all the while retaining the essence of Kamnik, even if it’s a version that exists beyond reality.

How we managed to seamlessly integrate Veronika, renowned stone buildings, a frog with a joint, and other elements into this composition is a matter that each viewer will judge individually. However, if you were to ask us the fundamental and essential question that every creator must face “What the artist intended to convey through their work?” we find ourselves in a dilemma. Perhaps each member holds their unique perspective on the composite entirety. It’s plausible that some contemplate this question introspectively, while others may struggle to answer, deeming it somewhat devoid of meaning.

Given the challenge of responding to this question, we sought assistance from artificial intelligence. ChatGPT provided us with the following response: “We intertwined our artistic expressiveness with elements of humor—both straightforward and wittily absurd—as well as introspection. Our goal was to showcase our energy and creative spirit while evoking both laughter and contemplation simultaneously.” This assertion may indeed hold true.

Despite the fact that today’s technology empowers us to manifest almost any conceivable idea, we managed to infuse a sense of lightheartedness and whimsy. This, perhaps, is precisely what artificial intelligence doesn’t comprehend. After all, true intelligence doesn’t engage in folly, in contrast to humans who are characterized by natural fallibility.

However, the crux of the matter lies in the enjoyment we derived from the process. As ChatGPT aptly puts it, “What truly inspires us is the synergy of teamwork. Our collective, our passion, and our enthusiasm collectively breathe captivating essence into this exhibition. Amid the marvels of technology that envelop us, we’ve come to realize that the group’s spirit bestows genuine depth to our creations.”

Avtorji: Bojan Mijatovič, Bojan Težak, Ana Stanovnik Perčič, Katja Gartner Krapež, Kaja Krapež, Janez Glavač, Aleš Senožetnik, Rudi Kotnik, Erik Rak, Klara Ravnikar, Gabriel Courbet, Polona Smolnikar, Jana Bratuž, Dušan Letnar

Aleš Senožetnik, Bojan Mijatovič in Chat GTP
