Exhibition FD Janez Puhar Kranj

From April 15 to May 25, 2010, the gallery of the Kamnik Cultural Center will host the exhibition of the Janez Puhar Photography Society from Kranje. In celebration of the association's centenary, the members prepared numerous exhibitions and events, including the current members' exhibition in Kamnik. As the president of FD Janez Puhar, Vasja Doberlet, wrote, this year they set a slightly different goal for the social photo collection. They decided not to collect the best individual photos taken in the last period, but agreed that each author should prepare one to three photo essays. They specified that the essay consists of four photos on the same arbitrary topic that is not relevant. Only the "red thread" that connects the images is important. This is a challenging task for authors. It is easier to make four good individual photos than to combine four photos into one essay.

You are invited to the opening of the exhibition on Thursday, April 15 at 19:00 in the Kamnik Cultural Center.
