During the pre-holiday period, the old town of Kamnik was visited by snow princesses accompanied by magic elves. I went to take photos with my Canon R7 camera, on which I mounted the RF 28-70mm f/2 L USM lens. The lighting conditions were very challenging, especially for my little Canon.
During the procession, I noticed one of the “elves” dancing with a lighted ball for the rest of the procession. The predominant color of the LED lights that made up the elf costumes made a nice contrast to the warm white of the lights that lit the balls. So I followed the procession and waited for the dancer to turn to me. When she noticed me, she raised the ball, and I took about 20 photos.
Due to the low light, I raised the ISO to 2500 and the aperture to 2, which is the limit of this lens. As a result, the photo is grainier than I would have liked, and the depth of field is a little too shallow. Unfortunately, with the available light and equipment, I was unable to achieve a better result, and using a flash would have ruined the shot. With these settings, I managed to achieve a shutter speed of 1/160 second. Later, I only processed the photo minimally. First, I cropped it so that the subject was closer to the center, straightened the photo slightly, and corrected the brightness and colors.
The event was also photographed by our member Miro Hrkalović, whose photos are published on this address. Fotografijo meseca decembra 2024 smo izbrali prisotni člani na klubskem sestanku v sredo, 8. januarja, 2025. Vse sodelujoče slike si lahko pogledate na this address.